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5 Ways To Prolong the Results of Professional Teeth Whitening

Apr 02, 2024
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Nothing beats the vibrance of a freshly whitened smile. Unfortunately, you could be unknowingly sabotaging the results. Do you have a professional whitening appointment on the horizon? Here’s how you can make the results last.

Professional teeth whitening can transform a dull, lackluster smile into a stunning showpiece. And you can get proven results, whether you opt for in-office treatment or at-home kits. 

If you’re ready to bring back your winning smile, it’s time to schedule a teeth whitening consultation at Sabrina E. Mickel DDS, Inc.

Dr. Sabrina E. Mickel offers customized teeth whitening services to give you a more dazzling smile. If you want immediate results, she recommends in-office Philips Zoom!® treatments that whiten up to eight shades in a single visit.

Not in a rush? You can get the same dramatic results with custom-made trays and professional solutions you use at home.

No matter which option you choose, Dr. Mickel protects your teeth and gums to avoid sensitivity while achieving results. 

And once you get those brighter, whiter teeth? Dr. Mickel also has time-tested strategies to make sure they last.

Ready to transform your smile? Here’s how professional whitening works and how to maintain your results.

How professional whitening works

Dr. Mickel’s teeth whitening treatments use a professional-strength bleaching formula designed to remove deep-set stains from your enamel. These solutions are far more effective at whitening your teeth than over-the-counter products, and they come with fewer risks.

In-office whitening

For in-office whitening, Dr. Mickel turns to the Zoom! platform. This treatment involves a combination of gel application and light exposure, a process that produces faster results.

You can see noticeable results in a single treatment — and it only takes 45 minutes. 

At-home whitening

For people who prefer professional whitening on their own schedule, Dr. Mickel offers take-home solutions. 

Unlike mass-produced, over-the-counter options, these whitening trays get custom-made for your mouth. That ensures a perfect fit with even gel dispersal across all of your teeth.

Home whitening can dramatically brighten a smile, like in-office Zoom! treatments. However, you usually need to wear your trays for 10-14 days for maximum results.

5 ways to maintain your brighter, whiter smile

Now, it’s easy to think that once your teeth are brighter and whiter again, you’re done. But the stains you removed can return. 

That’s why Dr. Mickel recommends being proactive about preventing new stains and discoloration so you can maintain your stunning smile for longer. 

Dr. Mickel suggests following these five steps. 

1. Make your daily oral hygiene a priority

First and foremost, practicing good dental hygiene every day is key to maintaining a healthy white smile. 

While it may be tempting to skip brushing or flossing, especially after a long day, your teeth will lose their luster in no time. 

For a sparkling smile, be sure to brush and floss after each meal. This removes food particles and plaque build-up that can lead to discoloration and decay.

2. Use a toothpaste with whitening power

Did you know your toothpaste choice matters? The right product can actually help you maintain those pearly whites. 

Picking the best option can be overwhelming, but Dr. Mickel can help. If you’re not sure which product to use, she can recommend a whitening paste that’s safe and effective at stain prevention and also approved by the American Dental Association (ADA).

3. Don’t skip your dental cleanings

We know what you’re thinking — but I brush and floss every day; why do I need a dental cleaning? 

Professional cleanings remove bacteria, debris, and surface stains you miss, which keeps your smile looking great. 

For the best results, Dr. Mickel recommends scheduling dental cleanings every six months.

4. Watch what you eat — and drink

Did you know certain foods and beverages can stain your teeth? 

If you want to keep your smile whiter for longer, limit the use of the biggest offenders, like dark wines, fruit juices, coffee, tea, and soda, dark berries, and tomato products. And, if you can’t resist them, be sure to brush and floss your teeth right away to keep stains from developing. 

Need another option? Using straws with acidic or dark-colored drinks can minimize the risk of teeth staining.

5. Ditch your tobacco habit

Finally, using tobacco products can cause several issues, and one of the most obvious involves your smile.

Smoking causes tooth discoloration, and it worsens over time. Unfortunately, this can make it more difficult to treat. 

If you quit smoking, you not only protect your smile, but you can also lower your risk for other serious issues, like cancer of the tongue, mouth, and lungs.

But don’t worry — Dr. Mickel knows quitting isn’t easy. If you need help kicking the habit, ask our team for smoking cessation resources to quit smoking for good.

Ready to brighten and whiten your smile? Call the Sabrina E. Mickel DDS, Inc. office in Beachwood, Ohio, to schedule a consultation, or book an appointment online today.